“So, I would encourage you to take risks now, to do something bold, you won’t regret it.”
Elon Musk
domingo, 31 de maio de 2020
terça-feira, 24 de março de 2020
Vision will find a way
ranges now as normal this time os the year, done with active trading for the
year, will just check for some minutes every morning and take is something
looks good and restart after beggining of january. very good year and we will
see 2020 but as usual my advice for everyone
in 2020 stays the same, first learn and set up your mind, then you will
attract the right situations that lead to a solid trading system for you. heres
the thing: anyone who is successful already on any field, most of the times will
you about hard work. its about wotking hard, outworking others etc. and while
this people have the best intentios when they tell you that there is one thing
often underlooked : yor toughts. this people will tend to overlook their work
and underlook how great you work was and is because of ego. but if we go back
inside the minds of thissame people
before success you will discover a thirst for it and a mind that has visualized the outcome for a long time. This
doesn’t mean success comes fron sitting in the forest with some funky visualization
meditation ritual (over exaggeration but most will see what I mean based on
some stuff we see around this days), what it means is, you will never find
someone successful in any field that is self made and got there with a
consistent negative mind and toughts os impossibility and mediocrity. Most people
get this twisted expecting everything to work their way. You cannot have your
own way every single time but you can be sure os putting the odds in your
favour. You live in a weird plance, maybe you have forgot this fact, as most
humans forget, the fact that you are alive is a miracle, at this exact moment
you are living in a planet sustained to exist, that is located in what we call
the universe that for some reason is full of energy and vibration.
The key!
Fonte; https://www.instagram.com/p/B5ssEobqPI2g8_ACKaHtKkbiH8416JbeKakjW80/
And its
because you forget this fact everyday tha you allow to disconnect yourself from
reality and live in mediocrity. If you lived in another planet alone, you would
not know and think, is a result of what you have seen, listened, experienced,
read etc. and for most people, they surrounded by misleanding information and
more failure. You see, there is nothing
different between you and the people you consider successful, the only thing is
the quality of their toughts vs yours. Their toughts give them the perfect
vison, work ethic, execution and opportunities. If you are like most people,
your sad and negative mind gives you exactly the opposite. This is also something often underlooked, a lot os people
see successful people as somewhat maginal or ihhuman, while they just a human
being like you.
This is the best advice you can get for 2020, do
not mistake it laziness, the act os showing up everyday with a mind towards
abundance, success and bigger vision is what will turn you into what you
desire. Of course, you can choose to ignore all of this, and live as usual in a
illusion of civilization and logic that
was created by other human beings and waste your whole life. Some will go as
far as saving this message only to show it to other people in hopes to get
validation from a mutual feeling of maybe ridiculing, denying or ignoring all
this words. And that’s normal, as only a small % of the world really lives the
life they want to. You can make the decision to the change everything when you
want to, and devide to see the universe with a different vision.
In one year
from now you can see easily what choice you made, vision will find a way,
mediocrity will find an escuse.
Best advice
possible for 2020"
The key!
Fonte; https://www.instagram.com/p/B5ssEobqPI2g8_ACKaHtKkbiH8416JbeKakjW80/
sábado, 7 de março de 2020
Seja Frugal, seja simples...
Créditos ao: A chegada ao quarto milhão de reais (ou quase um milhão de dólares).
"...Enfim, onde está então o segredo?
O segredo de vencer na vida? De ter muito dinheiro? De ser uma boa pessoa, um bom profissional, um bom familiar?
Onde eu guardei esse segredo?
No desejo ter uma vida melhor. No desejo da minha "próxima vida" ainda dentro desta. Se você não tiver um desejo muito forte que te faz pular da cama e enfrentar o dia, mesmo com fome, mesmo morando longe, mesmo tomando banho gelado as 05:30 da manhã porque nunca teve um chuveiro elétrico em casa, mesmo saindo de casa em jejum todo dia, porque ali nem tinha café da manhã e só iria comer as 09:30, se você não tiver essa vontade dentro de você, pulsante, batendo mais forte do que o seu coração, eu não sei se você vai conseguir. Um homem sem vontade não vai resultar em nada..."
Sobre textos excepcionais da finasfera! Textos que te movem!
"...Enfim, onde está então o segredo?
O segredo de vencer na vida? De ter muito dinheiro? De ser uma boa pessoa, um bom profissional, um bom familiar?
Onde eu guardei esse segredo?
No desejo ter uma vida melhor. No desejo da minha "próxima vida" ainda dentro desta. Se você não tiver um desejo muito forte que te faz pular da cama e enfrentar o dia, mesmo com fome, mesmo morando longe, mesmo tomando banho gelado as 05:30 da manhã porque nunca teve um chuveiro elétrico em casa, mesmo saindo de casa em jejum todo dia, porque ali nem tinha café da manhã e só iria comer as 09:30, se você não tiver essa vontade dentro de você, pulsante, batendo mais forte do que o seu coração, eu não sei se você vai conseguir. Um homem sem vontade não vai resultar em nada..."
Sobre textos excepcionais da finasfera! Textos que te movem!
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